
How much energy does the AeroGarden use?

We take pride in the low amounts of energy that AeroGardens use.

Let's get real - these days, it's important to have an understanding of how much energy you use.  It's the responsible thing to do! We take pride in the low amounts of energy that AeroGardens use. Read on, we did the math for you!

Model = AeroGarden Farm

Wattage Used (Average) = 126 watts

Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $7.30 per month

Model = AeroGarden Bounty

Wattage Used (Average) = 48 watts

Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $2.78 per month

Model = AeroGarden Harvest

Wattage Used (Average) = 23 watts

Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $1.33 per month

Model = AeroGarden Harvest 2.0

Wattage Used (Average) = 15 watts

Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $0,87 per month

Model = AeroGarden Sprout

Wattage Used (Average) = 13 watts

Cost to Run Per Month at 11¢ Per kw/hour = $0.75 per month

To calculate how much energy an AeroGarden uses, we use the following formula:

The number of hours each day that your AeroGarden is on
(based on type of garden planted and AeroGarden type itself)
XWattage figure given in the above table for your model AeroGarden
(divided by 1000 to convert it to kilowatts, as used by the electric company)
X31 days a monthXThe cost per kilowatt hour charged by your utility company
(in this case $.11 kw/hour)

For example, in a cubicle in one of our offices at AeroGrow, we are growing Gourmet Herbs (on 17 hours a day) in an AeroGarden Bounty (which uses 48 watts, or 0.048 kilowatts, of power). This AeroGarden is on for 31 days a month, at an average utility rate of approximately $0.11 per kilowatt hour of electricity.